This has been a common picture on our NOAA weather radar. in this picture, we are currently not having rain, believe it or not. Can you find us amidst all the red, yellow and green colors? Most of the rain that we have been receiving has been coming out of the West. So we should be getting some more rain in a little while. Imagine that.
We do feel really blessed though that this time around, amidst the extreme amount of rain, that we do not have any water flooding our basement. Some places have received up to 10 inches or more of rain in the last three days. Many businesses near creeks have been flooded.
There was a tornado at the St. Louis airport as well a couple of days ago. And we are not out of the woods yet with a forecast for more rain this forthcoming week.
It's raining again. I'm just glad the basement hasn't flooded yet.
We love you and miss you all. Please let us know before you get drown-out or blown away!
I didn't realize you guys had blogs. I am so glad you found us so that we could find you.
Ok. "Spoke" too soon. Water is very much in our basement... and then some.
But Kris has not been bailing, being "at work":) :) .... so perhaps he hasn't noticed. :).
The great thing about a lot of water in our basement (where all the kids play and sleep) is that
1. What one has been through before, brings a certain sense of power at the realization it has come again... and that it will be handled... and satisfaction that the handling is better, each time around.
2. it is a marvelous motivation to declutter in a massive way, and
3. it makes me very very very thankful to have ONLY water, and HAVE a basement... and no tornado scars.... and I hurt for the people a few hours south, with water, tornados, no basement, no town... and no wonderful working husband anymore...
does it make you feel like Piglet?
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