Friday, July 10, 2009

Work and the New Economy

The "middles" have taken on new responsibilities since the "olders" have gone off on a crusade to California. It is like training the olders all over again. Grumbling, mumbling and "that's not fair" or "this is her job not my job" and "if I assign it to you it is your job". Of course, with the cow Brr is stacking up a nice pile o gold because she is milking early morning and night. Baba is also starting to want to milk and yet she does pretty good @ 1 "shilling" an egg gathered & cleaned. Our economy is booming! ;) (We don't pay for basic family-care chores.)
Change to all of the new responsibilities takes mental effort until they feel more like they can do it or want to and so I instituted a little monetary pinch of golden fairy dust-it seems to help. =)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Old Time Music Ozark Heritage Festival

I have a fun, interesting, and varyied life. One part of that life is to be the creative director/editor of commercials which encourage the surrounding communities to come and participate in the signature festival of West Plains, Missouri, the Old Time Music Ozark Heritage Festival. Luckily we don't have to travel far to tape the festivities for the next year. It is lots of fun to be there and to edit video. =) (click on the title's link to get to the commercial)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I love playing with Lego Blocks!

I really love playing with Lego blocks and creating things, well, okay, it's usually spaceships and having "good versus evil" battles. Here is a ship I made from lego blocks not long ago. I like to go over all the details of engines, guns, escape pods, symmetry (including color when I can), landing gear, speed, etc. Of course, my ship never lasts as the children wish to play with my creation or they need one of the pieces from the ship for their own creation. When I use a lego piece in a way they never thought of before it becomes more valuable to them as it spurs more creative things in them.