Monday, March 16, 2009

Morning Attitude

This just in from Castle Headquarters:
Little Knight woke up with a few thoughts on his mind:
"I'm thirsty. . . .
"I'm thirsty AND I'm hungry." (thinking . . .)
"I'm thirsty, hungry, play-ey, but NOT work-ey!"

It's just a cute innocent way of saying, "I have needs, this morning, Mom, and I am really interested in getting to the fun stuff, but no chores, thank you. I'm not interested."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Potions in My Mouth

RLB "Do you know what?"
Me "What?"
RLB "I can make potions in my mouth."
Me "Huh?"
RLB: "I just put some carrots and potatoes and other things in and chew for a while till it all becomes smooth like liquid."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Do you have a CPR?

"Dad when will you borrow the CPR again?" We have been watching Star Wars and some of its lingo has rubbed off on Little Knight. So when we borrowed a VCR to watch some of our video tapes (including Star Wars) it was dubbed a CPR (C3P0 & VCR). :)