My family has wonderful creativity and this is one example of taking the beauty found out in the fields and arranging it together. I feel blessed to see these "weeds" gathered in such a fashionable way that even I can now see their beauty. God doesn't make junk yet it takes someone who knows how to see more than the "weeds".
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Ah the Food Storage Possibilities
I am excited to enter this contest at this site: We are in need of a good food rotation system. I am sure that the "courtiers" and little knight will definitely use it as a toy or game just to see the cans roll into place. =) So if nothing else, we will be entertained even if the food is a little out of order. . . Check them out and enter the contest!

Sunday, October 9, 2011
Our "Hotel"
The place we stayed for the conference is a very beautiful place. It was an old Christian, university dormitory for women. We were able to walk from our room to the Hilton within 8-10 minutes. I liked the hall and archway where we made Gregorian chant sounds late in the evening. I was not actually a participant at the conference but I was able to look at all the books which the attending authors, illustrators, publishers, and agents had out to sell. It was neat to see the people in person
I spent a good deal of my time working on the family DVD game, which is still coming along nicely although a little slowly. I also received some great ideas of how to handle certain issues in the DVD as well.
I spent a good deal of my time working on the family DVD game, which is still coming along nicely although a little slowly. I also received some great ideas of how to handle certain issues in the DVD as well.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The DVD game
I have been somewhat busy with a few videos, and a DVD game I have started to work on. I mapped it out digitally and am now putting pieces together. It is taking me longer than I had hoped. Yet, it is coming along.

I keep thinking of new pieces I could put in but I think if I can just finish this small version then I can add things on later. Let me know what you think.

I keep thinking of new pieces I could put in but I think if I can just finish this small version then I can add things on later. Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
More Zoo pictures
This hippo kept going around and around so it made it easy to take many pictures and get good shots.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Watching the Prairie Dogs
We explored the zoo for a princess's birthday. Here we are admiring the stillness of the prairie dogs. There was an extremely plump fellow who was not moving at all, except his chompers as he stared back at us. We all chose an animal we wanted to see and mostly stuck to our plan--elephants, giraffes, penguins, tigers, reptiles, zebras, hippopotami, bears, and others who happened to be along our path.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

To me the word pioneer usually means “a long time ago” and “doing extremely hard things” without modern technology like cars or cell phones and having “done those things well”. All of us inherit the pioneers as ancestors and their heritage as members of the church and some of us happen to be descendants of the pioneers. The pioneers were very much like us. Maybe because they are so far removed from today that we don't realize they were real people. It reminds me of when I first arrived in Hungary for my mission and seeing for myself that the Hungarians were basically just like me. But I could only speak with them in a limited fashion. Like the Hungarians were to me, the pioneers are people who we may not know very well.
Just like Brigham Young and those pioneers who went before us, many may qualify as pioneers: those who go before us showing us the way.
If we start with those a little closer to us I think we will see the connections to Pioneers much better. Some of the most important pioneers we know are our very own Mothers and Fathers, our Grandparents, aunts, and uncles. They don’t seem like pioneers until you remember that pioneers are those who go before to show the way.
President Monson teaches that “Latter-day Saints can be modern-day pioneers by being aware of the needs of others and . . . show them the way to Christ.”
For example, our parents, did things that are difficult. Raising you and me for example. This is something they have never done before and so parents do the best that they know how and look to their own Mothers and Fathers for answers and help. Even after the raising the first child when they think they have it finally figured out the next child is so different that things are again difficult. They weren’t parents before and did not understand what it means to be a Mother and a Father until we as their children were born. Each generation has looked to the previous one to know what to expect when raising a family.
I think Heavenly Father knew it would be difficult and that we would be more likely to call upon Him for help in rearing a family which is truly following a pioneering path. You are blazing new trails forward trying to lead your family to Christ.
Here is a story from one of my own relatives as related by one cousin to another, not too long ago:
Merle Brinkerhoff said, "You know, I understand why some people might envy me.' (Tears sprang to her eyes & she gasped - "What? Envy Uncle Merle? Loye, he was the poorest man I ever knew!) Loye: "He went on; 'I've had so many prayers answered. I'll tell you about a couple of times in particular. There was no money & all I had was one scrawny cow. I got down on my knees & prayed to Heavenly Father to help me get enough money to take care of my debts (feed my family?), then I took that old cow to the Greybull auction. That was the sorriest old cow there; finally the auctioneer started the bidding for this cow; one person then another bid, higher & higher & on & on; pretty soon it was obvious that the auctioneer was almost in shock that people were bidding on this sorry cow! The look on his face was something! Anyway, when it was all over I had the money I needed. I knew my prayer would be answered. And another time food was scarce & it was time to plant potatoes; our seed potatoes were pretty sorry looking & we didn't have many. Before we planted them, I prayed that we might have enough at harvest time to see us through the winter; we carefully planted those seed potatoes; when it came time to dig them up - the first shovel full of potatoes was pretty disheartening, but we kept on & pretty soon the potatoes just got bigger & bigger; we had so many potatoes that we were able to share them with our neighbors!
I've been so blessed; I can see why people might envy me."
Let us turn now to those pioneers who made the trek from Nauvoo to what is now Salt Lake City. Many of these pioneers took out their endowments in the Temple before moving out to the West. Joseph Smith had taught, “The endowment will bring you out of darkness into marvelous light.”
After Joseph Smith’s martyrdom and “sustained by their fellow Saints, President Young and the Twelve . . .had two main priorities: (1) complete the Nauvoo Temple so the Saints could receive their endowments; and (2) plan the western exodus. By December 1845 the temple was sufficiently completed that ordinance work could begin. All together, nearly 6,000 Saints gratefully participated in endowment services before commencing their western journey.”
It did not matter if anything else happened to them on their journey. The one thing they knew for sure was that they needed to receive the blessings of the Temple. This small step of faith, which they took, gave them the necessary strength to move through their many trials along their way.
The importance of attending the temple as often as possible and being a pioneer in that regard came to me strongly while we recently attended the St. Louis temple. This is one way we can bring the blessings of heaven down to our own families and be modern-day pioneers to them.
the Queen and I had agreed that we needed to return to the temple again this year, but we did not make a plan and follow through with it until just recently. It was almost like we were letting it “happen by chance”—if it fell in our path. It took us great effort to believe we could find time and get back to the temple. It took even more effort to actually back up our faith with works and arrive.
The blessings of peace and revelation flowed easily inside the temple and the questions I had in my mind were answered. Matthew 6:8
“…for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.”
Attending the Temple seems to give us a grander perspective on life’s purpose, one that's more complete than what we usually focus on in a single day. I felt good having gone and served others in the temple and I have faith that other blessings will also follow. Blessings both seen and unseen are passed onto our children from temple attendance.
Nephi said: 2 Nephi 25:26
26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.
It is truly only through repentance and faith on the Lord, Jesus Christ that we can activate His atonement in our lives and receive a remission of our sins. This is what pioneers do for themselves--make the necessary changes in their lives to be an example to their children.
Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father except by me.”
The pioneers did not see their everyday life stories as something that would help point us to Christ or be called a pioneer story. They were just living life each day, and trying to do their best. I don't believe the pioneers thought that what was happening to them at the time would become so very important. They were just trying to write down the experiences which strengthened their faith and testimonies and share that with their descendants.
So, right now each of us is creating our own pioneering life story, the things for which we will be remembered. The experiences which we work through are forming and shaping us, just as the pioneers had experiences which shaped them. We are connected.
Remember, those who will be found in heaven are not those, who have never sinned or only a little, but those who have recognized their mistakes and have repented, and then have used the Atonement of Christ in their daily lives.
The things that I'm doing now are being written down in my children’s hearts, as it were, as my pioneer stories for them to use and pass on to their children. My children are being taught and are learning from my example. I am a Pioneer. When I think of my life in terms of me being the pioneer and how I am forging through life and leaving a legacy, I become a bit afraid. Because, what I am doing does matter like the pioneers of old and will affect my children. However, because I am turning my heart to my Father in Heaven and His son, Jesus Christ along with my ancestors, I will receive the strength and means necessary to be successful as a modern-day pioneer.
What my life contains or does not contain is a part of my history. The things I sacrifice to follow Christ then is being a pioneer, or in other words “breaking new ground” in making a better me than I previously have been and showing others (my children) the way to Christ.
Using the pioneer stories of the past and now pointing ourselves more towards Christ in the future, WE all can qualify as modern-day pioneers. Those who are “aware of the needs of others[, like our children] and . . . show them the way to Christ.”
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Work of the Scythe
This past hot, Friday I went out and cut a path through the weeds in back of our barn with our scythe. Here are some before and after pictures.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Turtles at Scout Camp
Bunny found this baby red-eared slider turtle at the river when the whole family visited our scout last week at scout camp.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
The Book Arrives
The book The Dragon Lords has arrived sooner than expected. The author waited until I came home today to open the package! She was so excited. We took it to the YW dessert auction to raise money for girls camp.
Everyone was very interested in seeing it and holding it. It was definitely lots of fun. Lots of praise and oohs and aaahs. She had big smiles practically the whole time.
I worked with her on the cover and some editing. It is only a proof copy, however, it is so fun holding it. The cover was fun to figure out how much space we had for the spine and all. Well enough talk here is the picture.
Everyone was very interested in seeing it and holding it. It was definitely lots of fun. Lots of praise and oohs and aaahs. She had big smiles practically the whole time.
I worked with her on the cover and some editing. It is only a proof copy, however, it is so fun holding it. The cover was fun to figure out how much space we had for the spine and all. Well enough talk here is the picture.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Mother Nature
Joplin which is in the news though is just 3 hours away from where we are and they were hit with a major tornado. We have a good bit of Ozark hills which seem to keep us fairly protected by the times storms come across from the Mid-West to our area. We did sleep downstairs last night though.
We will have more thunderstorms coming through tonight and tomorrow. They remind me of a reunion when we were up on the "top" of the Colorado mountains and it thundered and boomed all night. The storms almost all seem like that—in your face—and if you didn't believe in God you better repent. They seem very powerful and are amazing, but a bit scary. I say a lot of prayers to get a pulse on our situation. I usually get an okay and so I don't worry. Yet, I always feel nervous, well nervous until I get the "you'll be alright". Then it is just a matter of getting through the feeling of helplessness during the power of the storm as the lightning cracks and the thunder booms.
The Queen doesn't take storms very well at all. However, it is what it is and we live with it.
What is amazing to me is that the area is used to all the water coming down in this area and so it moves on out and has a place to go. Then the sun comes out and it dries up quite a bit and you are "back to normal" minus a bit of your dirt road or drive way washed down the hill.
We will have more thunderstorms coming through tonight and tomorrow. They remind me of a reunion when we were up on the "top" of the Colorado mountains and it thundered and boomed all night. The storms almost all seem like that—in your face—and if you didn't believe in God you better repent. They seem very powerful and are amazing, but a bit scary. I say a lot of prayers to get a pulse on our situation. I usually get an okay and so I don't worry. Yet, I always feel nervous, well nervous until I get the "you'll be alright". Then it is just a matter of getting through the feeling of helplessness during the power of the storm as the lightning cracks and the thunder booms.
The Queen doesn't take storms very well at all. However, it is what it is and we live with it.
What is amazing to me is that the area is used to all the water coming down in this area and so it moves on out and has a place to go. Then the sun comes out and it dries up quite a bit and you are "back to normal" minus a bit of your dirt road or drive way washed down the hill.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Stories just my size
Reading is fun especially when they are made for your hands. Pierre and his "I don't care" episode garnered the most reading. Maurice Sendak wrote many fun stories.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Wild and Wacky Weather
We have been having really crazy weather here-lightning storms, thunderstorms, and rain, rain, little more rain, a small break and lots more rain and rain again. Oh and did I mention rain? No? Well then, rain and rain and more rain.

This has been a common picture on our NOAA weather radar. in this picture, we are currently not having rain, believe it or not. Can you find us amidst all the red, yellow and green colors? Most of the rain that we have been receiving has been coming out of the West. So we should be getting some more rain in a little while. Imagine that.
We do feel really blessed though that this time around, amidst the extreme amount of rain, that we do not have any water flooding our basement. Some places have received up to 10 inches or more of rain in the last three days. Many businesses near creeks have been flooded.
There was a tornado at the St. Louis airport as well a couple of days ago. And we are not out of the woods yet with a forecast for more rain this forthcoming week.
This has been a common picture on our NOAA weather radar. in this picture, we are currently not having rain, believe it or not. Can you find us amidst all the red, yellow and green colors? Most of the rain that we have been receiving has been coming out of the West. So we should be getting some more rain in a little while. Imagine that.
We do feel really blessed though that this time around, amidst the extreme amount of rain, that we do not have any water flooding our basement. Some places have received up to 10 inches or more of rain in the last three days. Many businesses near creeks have been flooded.
There was a tornado at the St. Louis airport as well a couple of days ago. And we are not out of the woods yet with a forecast for more rain this forthcoming week.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Talking for Typing
Dragon NaturallySpeaking has arrived on Friday and I have thoroughly enjoyed using it. I am amazed at how much it can write according to what I say. So this post is completely being spoken into a microphone headset which came with the program. I also joined the script frenzy even though I am behind, but at least I am working through a script. It was easy at first because I had written down a quick synopsis of actually two different stories. Okay, so I had to use the mouse just now. One of my stories is called Man and Machine. I don't want to give too much of it away. So that's all you get for now. Sorry.
Our eldest princess has complained that I do not write very much in my blog posts. I like to take photos and quickly share them and because it is on the iPod is not as easy to get text to accompany the photo by hunting and pecking. So, that is why my posts are so short. And it's a good thing that I get anything up there and all sometimes. :-) That is correct. I did not type that :-) I just spoke :-) and it appears. Now that is cool. All right, it's time for bed or I'll just keep talking and it will keep writing. I really like this program!
Our eldest princess has complained that I do not write very much in my blog posts. I like to take photos and quickly share them and because it is on the iPod is not as easy to get text to accompany the photo by hunting and pecking. So, that is why my posts are so short. And it's a good thing that I get anything up there and all sometimes. :-) That is correct. I did not type that :-) I just spoke :-) and it appears. Now that is cool. All right, it's time for bed or I'll just keep talking and it will keep writing. I really like this program!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Cleanup by the park
We spent our family time together cleaning up at a park we love. We also happened to be near some railroad tracks so out came the camera.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Wonderful Handmade Gifts
I received these grand, handcrafted gifts recently for my birthday. I have a stack of shrinky-dink cows-each a different breed. The other item is colored paper, cut in thin strips and glued down. I love these items Ducky and Bunny made. Thank you both!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Twister time
We had fun with our twister game the other night. It was more fun seeing others get into knots, of course.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Speaking to Write
I am thinking about writing a script for April's script frenzy. I figured to be able to do this quickly and well, I should get someone else to type up my words. So maybe my software assistant will do so. At least that is the thought and I will see if this is the case. This software, Dragon Naturally Speaking, is supposed to take what you say via a microphone or headset and write it up for you. I will purchase this software and let you know how it works for me/us.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Spelunking with the Scouts
This past Saturday I went spelunking with my son and the rest of the scouts and other adult leaders. On my way out of the second cave I had a brown fuzzy friend on the back of my shirt. One of other the leaders carefully took him off of my shirt and put him near a hole leading back into his house. This is when I was able to take a very close-up picture of him. Check it out!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentines Fish
This is too awesome! Duckygirl and Bunnygirl made the family a bowl of fish (even though they aren't real they can float!). Then for fish food they gave us tiny crumpled up tinfoil which acted like fish food as it also floated on the top. I really loved this. =)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Our Little Smurf
The Littlest Princess put on my winter hat and looked very much like a little smurf, too adorable not to post.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
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