Friday, April 23, 2010

A Year's Supply of Shampoo!

I like having extremely short hair. Some of my hair style is by choice and part of it is just naturally not there any longer. One reason I really love having little to no hair is that one bottle of shampoo, no matter the size, is enough for a year's supply (or more). I just have to keep all of the rest of the family away from it. In fact, each time we buy another bottle of shampoo the supply of shampoo for my hair grows exponentially.
So here's a little post for having little to no hair. =)


Tali@ Stick Pony Express said...
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Tali@ Stick Pony Express said...

ha,ha that's funny!

Julie said...

That is great to be so ahead in your food and necessity storage.

ky+i=vy said...

i am jealous! really, my shampoo goes so fast - mostly because i use it - but it goes so fast!

Unknown said...

good one! You could just sign up for the free shampoo samples online to last you through the year!

parkelohaz said...

I also never have that "wind-blown" hair look. Nothing is ever out of place. I like the benefits.