Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Wonderful Father's Day

I had a most enjoyable Father's Day. It was very beautiful outside. After church we went out and grilled some hamburgers. Princess 2 had setup a chair for sitting complete with a fan via a 100 ft. electric cord from the house, umbrella to keep the mighty sun off my head, and a glass of water to sip as she took over the cooking duties at the grill.
The hamburgers were tasty. I just had to remember not to fill up on the main dish because we had a whole bucket of home made ice cream waiting to cool us off.
I am a blessed Father. :)

From Page, to Squire to Knight?

Thinking I could persuade the younger prince and princesses not to have any ice cream because I had just finished cleaning up all the dishes, I said, "You can only have ice cream if you wash your own dishes."
Benj quickly piped up, "I can do that. I know how to wash dishes. Joseph let me when I was his page!"