Well, coming home was quite the surprise. We had a new kind of animal on the farm, a "peanut-butter cat". The Queen had a deep cut on her finger for her gallant efforts of trying to cut a hole in the plastic 18-ounce peanut butter jar. She hoped to somehow free the cat from its new found hat. To me it was a laughing matter but the courtiers were close to tears because they believed this new creature would have to remain a peanut butter cat.
Our eldest acted quickly on inspiration to put oil on the cat's head around the opening. I put on my gauntlets (gloves) and then held onto the peanut butter jar. The cat did the rest. Pop! I wish I had taken a picture. =)
Darian says,"That was funny, maybe his head was covered in peanut butter when he came out"
Wade says, He is sad the courtiers loose out on more peanut butter sandwiches, and he is sad for the cat in the jar.
he ha hoha ha ahhh
was there still pb in the jar? anybody eating it? was the cut ok? Did the kitty clean himself off or did he have to have a buttermilk bath?
Poor kitty
Where is the picture!!!! I must have that picture.
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