How about a wonderful ride in a wagon? This fun picture was drawn by Swoop. She and her sister are out for a friendly drive in the wild hills around the castle. I always try to scan in these images before they go to far from the castle.
So we traveled to Conway, Arkansas last weekend for a Society of Children's Books for Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI) conference for the Queen and we saw all of the "We love you Kris!" signs in almost every business's windows. The courtiers all thought they were talking about me and said so. We had not been following American Idol at all, but we eventually figured out what it was all about. Then this morning I read that he won. Here is a legitimate link to the full song: No Boundaries (It is pretty catchy, but I am told it is not his "best" song.) Way to Go Kris! ;)
Maybe you have been lucky enough to receive an envelope with an image like this bunch of crazy opossums, playing dead, hanging from a tree, dropping apples on the dog's head, all under a starlit sky. T has lots of talent. =) Well if you'd like your very own envelope art you can always write a letter to T, and she will see what she can do.
These are the best lambs on the planet being held by a wonderful girl. Their names are Charlee (sounds like Charlie) and Arlis (like Old Yeller's Arlis). Their mother is Arabia.
(T's an angel, sweet, kind, loving, gentle, adorable, and she loves cave crickets. Well really she loves it if they are already dead and she doesn't have to touch them.)
I have been meaning to share the fun art work that T does so we will start with something done Christmas day 2008. This one is on a digital canvas the day we opened the software and tablet. She is really good.
I am getting used to my new PDA an iPod Touch, so much so that I tried to touch my computer monitor when I heard the "new message" sound (from the iPod Touch sitting on my desk) to open up a new mail message! I had to laugh at myself. It reminded me of when I have a laptop on the desk by my computer and I use the desktop mouse to try and move the laptop cursor.
One thing I really like about the iPod Touch is being able to read/go through my Outlook e-mail/calendar while my desktop computer is still trying to load the OS and start up etc. It feels more productive and is a lot of fun.